I, the parent or guardian do authorize the camp medic, any doctor, and/or hospital to administer medical treatment to my child. I authorize the use of any picture or video of my child in the reproduction of camp advertisements, productions, or other uses of the District NYI council and/or Shiloh Park Conference Center. I allow my child to participate in any activity that may be off the campgrounds. I hereby release Shiloh Park, Northeastern Indiana District, Nazarene Denomination, directors, staff, and counselors from any and all liability for injury, loss, health, risk, damage, or death to person or property that may occur during the course of my child's involvement including but not limited to accidents and emergencies. I also agree to pick my child up from camp upon being notified by the camp director(s) that he/she has violated camp rules and has become a serious disciplinary problem.
NEI-NYI (Northeastern Indiana Nazarene Youth International) is regulating the use of electronic devices to enhance safety, limit distractions, and promote spiritual development. Electronics such as cell phones, cameras, music players, and gaming devices are only permitted for use during allotted times, which are to be set by the director/coordinator of each event. NEI-NYI will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged devices. At any point, NEI-NYI leadership reserves the right to confiscate any electronic device if leadership determines the device is being misused, causing distraction, or used excessively. Item(s) will be stored in a safe location and returned at the conclusion of the event. Use of photographic devices in restrooms and living quarters are forbidden and failure to comply will result in an indefinite suspension from ALL district NEI-NYI related events pending review by the District NYI President, the event/director coordinator, and any other parties deemed necessary by the District NYI President. On the occasion that any electronic device is used, resulting in the violation of a person's privacy or the capturing of pornographic images (with or without intent), parents will be notified and authorities will be contacted to handle the investigation. This policy is to ensure the safety and protection of our students, leaders, and organization to the best of our abilities.
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the above statements and guidelines while agreeing to follow ALL rules while at Junior High Church Camp.